Oz the great and powerful cast china doll
Oz the great and powerful cast china doll

The Man Behind the Curtain: Come on, you knew he'd do this.Vice Guy: His self-centered attitude, womanizing habits, and greed make the worse part out of him but he wouldn't hesitate to help anyone after he lands in Oz after the tornado incident. Granted, considering what he's up against, this is understandable.

oz the great and powerful cast china doll oz the great and powerful cast china doll

Lovable Coward: When his stage tricks don't work, he runs away.You know, like he'd been doing to practically everyone else in Kansas, only with parlor tricks instead of real magic. Laser-Guided Karma: Experiences this when he finds out from Glinda that Evanora had played him like an accordion.Of course, he's even more so after his apparent "death". Large Ham: While in front of a crowd, he's a lot more showy.Lady Killer In Love: In spite of his rampant womanizing, it's made clear that he sees Annie as more than just another fling.To his credit, much of Theodora's heartbreak was caused by Evanora's manipulations, and Oscar does recognize it's at least partially his fault. Karma Houdini: He gets away with breaking Theodora's heart, which gets her turned into the Wicked Witch of the West, even after Theodora outright says it in front of everyone.Jumped at the Call: He accepts the idea of becoming the hero of Oz purely for fame, fortune, and a chalice.Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He really is a good man, but he simply doesn't realize it.It's All About Me: He's so self-centered, it's amazing.I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: The reason he encourages Annie to marry the man who proposed to her.Heel Realization: After the Wicked Witch of the West makes her first public appearance.Heel≯ace Turn: He gets better later in the film.Handsome Lech: Though it's a PG rated film, it's obvious that Oscar gets around quite a bit, and when he meets each of the witches, he doesn't stop.Guile Hero: He bests his enemies purely through well-planned prestidigitation.He does so by having an angered witch blowing his decoy.

oz the great and powerful cast china doll

  • Faking the Dead: So he can take on the incorporeal form he would later be known for.
  • In the end, this makes sense, since it's largely implied that the woman becomes Dorothy's mother.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: In the beginning, he doesn't wind up with the girl he's romantically interested in.
  • Death by Woman Scorned: Exploited this trope, as seen below.
  • The Chosen Zero: The great and powerful wizard — is not a wizard at all.
  • This bites him in the ass when Evanora mentions this trait to turn Theodora evil.
  • The Casanova: He hits on practically every female character (with the exception of the China Girl, understandably).
  • Now, to interact normally, he dresses as a Palace Guard ("Horse of a Different Color" scene.)

    oz the great and powerful cast china doll

    He stages his own death so he can convince everyone, including the Wicked Witches, of his "rebirth" as "Oz, the Great and Powerful". Beard of Evil: Sports one in order to project a mysterious and sinister image, though he's more of a Jerk.Batman Gambit: He knows the Wicked Witches still think he's a selfish, greedy fraud after he changes his ways, so he tricks them into helping fake his death by filling a hot air balloon with gold and setting it loose so they can destroy it along with his "mortal body", allowing him to take on his famous appearance as a projected head.Bad Boss: Has shades of this towards Frank, his long-suffering stage assistant and when Finley goes to shake his hand, Oz hands him his heavy luggage instead.A con artist and stage magician, a tornado sends him to the Land of Oz.

    Oz the great and powerful cast china doll